Trans-Affirming Care Workshops
To decrease barriers accessing mental health services, the TREC Lab has collaborated with Skipping Stone Foundation (a community organization serving TGD folks) to create a two-part trans-affirming care workshop tailored to clinicians and healthcare professions.
Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) folks (those whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex at birth), experience discrimination as a result of transphobia and are at higher risk for mental and physical health difficulties when compared to their peers. Discrimination by health care professionals, and lack of training in gender-affirmative health care, have further deterred TGD folks from seeking care they need. To decrease barriers accessing mental health services, the TREC Lab has collaborated with Skipping Stone Foundation (a community organization serving TGD folks) to create a two-part trans-affirming care workshop tailored to clinicians and healthcare professions. The workshop consists of online modules and an in-person session. A mixed-methods approach, including both quantitative and qualitative methods is being utilized to assess the effectiveness of the workshop and to evaluate the learner experience.