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See past team members here.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Brae Anne McArthur is a Registered Psychologist, the Director of the TREC Lab,
Research Lab Coordinator
Kristine is currently the Lab Coordinator for the TREC Lab. She completed her BSc (Hons)
Samarpreet was previously an honours student and now a volunteer in the TREC Lab.
Kaisha is a student volunteer in her second year of study for a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
Arpan is a student volunteer and is currently in her third-year study of Psychology (BSc).
Graduate Student
Lindsay grew up in a small rural town in Alberta and completed her Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences
Honours Student
Saria James-Thomas is currently an Honours Student in the TREC lab. She is trained as a teacher (BEd.)
Glorianna has graduated with a B.Sc. in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology and a B.Sc. in Psychology
Renata Balabuch Bezerra is a fourth-year Bachelor of Science
Jackson is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Calgary.
Adrianne is a fifth-year Bachelor of Science Psychology student at the University of Calgary.
Maddie has graduated with her BA in psychology at the University of Calgary and is currently a volunteer
Darian is currently a TREC lab volunteer and a women’s basketball player at the University of Calgary.