Lindsay Berg
Graduate Student
Lindsay grew up in a small rural town in Alberta and completed her Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences and Psychology at the University of Calgary. She has since worked as a research coordinator in the Cumming School of Medicine on projects investigating the influences of the microbiome on neurodivergent brain development and functional neurological disorders. Lindsay is currently pursuing her master’s degree in clinical psychology. She worked as an Early Childhood Educator for 11 years and is a mother of two children, igniting a passion for learning about child development. She is proud to be a part of the TREC team focused on mental healthcare equity for marginalized children. Lindsay plans to work with children as a clinical psychologist with a focus on care and advocacy for low-income families.Â
What would you bring in your backpack if you were heading on a TREC?  Â
Off the top of my head my gut reaction was a life straw, bandages, extra socks, and waterproof matches...but that seems a little survivalist! I would pack Dutch blitz, Spill and spell, and a New York times crossword puzzle book for games! An agonizing decision on books...The English Patient but I also really love Greek Myths, always have. Marks and Spencer Mint Truffle Chocolate bars and Cornflakes Ritter sport bars. Pictures of my family. My dog would likely fit... This is a tough question! Â